Outdoor Advertising is a powerful medium that offers 24 hour exposure, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year.

You don't turn it on and you can't turn it off; you can't change the channel and you can't turn the page. A powerful, persuasive, influential presence in the middle of everyones' day.

The number of outdoor advertising media is increasing every day. Selecting the right product is vital as it enables you to attract the kind of attention you want

Make it stand out.



Billboards are arguably the most popular products for outdoor advertising. Given their magnitude, and the vast array available, they can easily be used to grab the attention of potential customers. They can carry only a little amount of information, so only the most valuable details are put on them. The impact on sales of a product can be tremendous if the billboard is set in a prime spot.



The use of buses as media for transit advertising is also hugely popular. They quickly catch the eye of passers-by making them want to purchase what you are selling. Using the correct number of buses will aid in spreading the word around easily. This medium is great for public campaigns, promotional advertising as well as for political campaigns.

bus shelters

Bus shelters are great street furniture for promotions. They are very effective in making a brand known. Street users are quickly drawn to this medium as it is within eye-level. An advertiser can put posters on a bus shelter or use displays that are illuminated. With the vast array of options available, a bus shelter will catch the attention of a frequent bus users as well as passers-by.



Alternative media includes airports and shopping malls. Airports have the international advantage hence they enable a product to spread to other markets. Shopping mall advertising gives shoppers the impulse to buy a particular product. Since these shoppers already have money, it could significantly increase purchase. Another excellent alternative is scooters and cars. Given their ability to reach the customer at eye level, they can be used in the short-term to boost sales of a given product.